UK's Leading Ancestral Alchemist

tania meacher

spiritual Coaching & ancestral healing for Women

As A Woman.....

  • Do you feel invisible, unheard, or worthless?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed, lost, or disconnected?
  • Have you been left behind when it comes to fulfilling your needs & desires?
  • Do you find yourself in repeated dysfunctional relationships?
  • Are you a constant people pleaser & have difficulty setting boundaries in your life? 
  • Have you lost touch with your own identity & purpose?
  • Do you feel your past is dictating your future because of past experiences?
  • Do you lack confidence & self esteem & your go to copying mechanism is self-sabotage?

I want you to know that I understand the struggles you’re facing. I’ve been in your shoes before…

Life has thrown me some unexpected challenges, from toxic relationships to self-destructive habits. But through it all, I’ve learned the incredible strength that comes from resilience. I’ve emerged from those hardships stronger and more empowered than I ever thought possible.

I know what it’s like to experience trauma, to feel isolated and afraid, and to desperately search for a quick fix. But true healing only comes when we’re willing to confront our innermost selves and face our fears head-on.

For years, I ignored my intuition, disconnected from who I truly am, and chased after temporary solutions. But I eventually realized that there was another way to live – one that didn’t involve constant overwhelm and unhappiness.

It wasn’t an easy journey, but I learned to listen to my inner voice and embrace a path of self-discovery and growth. I’ve reconnected with myself on a profound level over the years, and the biggest transformations occurred when working through my own ancestral healing journey. 

And now, I’m here to offer support and guidance as you navigate your own unique path to healing and self-discovery.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery & healing unlike no other incorporating a deep dive into ancestral healing?

If so, then Ancestral healing may be the key to unlocking the door to a new world of transformation & empowerment

Ancestral Alchemy® is a blend of alternative healing techniques such as Family Constellations, Ancestral Healing, Energy Medicine, NLP, and Life Sciences that offers a powerful combination of science and sacred feminine healing arts. 


This holistic approach addresses issues at their source, promoting lasting change across all aspects of your being. By harnessing the power of consciousness, ancestral alchemy empowers you to shift your reality and embrace a new level of vitality and well-being.

ancestral healing

what is Ancestral Alchemy® ?

Ancestral Alchemy® is a powerful healing modality that taps into the ancient wisdom and energy of our ancestors to help us release the past, heal old wounds, and unlock our innate gifts and talents. By connecting with the energies of our lineage, we are able to tap into a wellspring of knowledge and healing that can guide us on our path to self-discovery and growth.

How Ancestral Alchemy® Can Help You Heal?

Whether you are looking to delve into and address deep-seated emotional states, heal childhood conditioning, shift limiting beliefs, or release ancestral ties that no longer serve you, Ancestral Alchemy® can provide the tools and support you need to navigate these challenges. 

By working with the energy of your ancestors, you can uncover hidden patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back and release them with love and compassion.

Tania Meacher - spiritual coaching and ancestral healing with family constellations

Discover Your Purpose & Reconnect with Your True Self with ancestral healing

In addition to healing past wounds, Ancestral Alchemy® can also help you discover your sense of purpose, direction, and reconnection with your true self. By tapping into the wisdom of your lineage, you can gain clarity and insight into your unique gifts and talents, allowing you to step into your power and live a life of purpose and passion.

coffee & chat

Not sure where to start or what exactly you need? Do you have any questions? Fancy a virtual coffee and chat?

Let me help you work out the best option(s) for you. Just go to my calendar to check my availability, and book in a free 30-minute call at a time that suits you. Look forward to hearing from you!